MedTech + Mindset Newsletter #026
Nov 14, 2022![](
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This week is packed with info...make sure you read all the way to the end.
This week's Newsletter is brought to you by The MedTech Pitch Deck Course.
The economy has made Venture and Angel investors skittish -- and it means fundraising just got harder!
But when I talk to startup founders and early stage CEOs about pitching and investment conversations I almost always hear the same thing...
"I've been able to raise money I need so far with the pitch deck I have."
I always respond with the same question...
"Were you happy with the valuation they gave you?"
I have yet to meet someone who was. The Pitch Deck Accelerator is specifically designed to tell the best story in the most important situation an early company experiences.
It is action oriented, high value, and is guaranteed to force you to ask questions about your business that you've never thought to ask -- which identifies the gaps that are depressing investment valuations.
To learn more, and see what's included follow the link below.
The MedTech Pitch Deck Accelerator
1. When Customers are All at Different Points in their Journey to Becoming an Advocate
Insight from Matt Tucker
Last week I wrote and spoke about how customers come through the funnel, and how you can use that funnel to identify likely customers...
But what happens when they come out of that funnel?
They don't all learn or decide to become a customer at the same time...
And it can get complicated...
So I recorded this short lesson...
2. Increase understanding and reduce stress using communication skills derived from teen dating
Insight from Matt Tucker
This weekend I was talking to my step-daughter. It was obvious she was in her head about dating and how to handle some very new (to her) situations.
Things like...
- what do I do if I like a guy?
- what if I don't like them, but they like me?
- what if I thought I like them and then decide I don't like them after a few dates?
- what if my friends want me to date them / or not date them more than I do?
- what do I do if this all just stresses me out?!?!
All these emotions and conflicting situations can easily get out of control. Doubly so when friends are involved.
I work hard to give the kids frameworks to live their lives rather than direction...
So what I came up with was..
- Always give someone a chance, so you can learn what they are about, and who they are
- Always talk to someone you have a relationship with 1:1, not through other people.
- If something is making you feel uncomfortable, that's a sure sign you should talk about it.
Then it occurred to me that these situations aren't any different than every day at work.
So a few questions for you to ask yourself about your work-life...
- How often are you jumping to a conclusion about what someone you work with wants, needs, has an ambition to accomplish without really getting to know them? How quickly do you jump to assumptions?
- How often do you avoid an uncomfortable conversation in the hopes a frustrating situation will just go away? How often does that work? Or does it just fester until it becomes a bigger problem that is more difficult to solve?
- And how many times do you talk to someone else about a co-worker, or boss, or employee instead of addressing something 1:1? How often do you allow yourself to get caught up in gossip or listening to other people complain about someone else?
- It turns out that if you want to increase understanding and reduce drama at work, you can employ the same communication skills teenagers looking to lower dating drama find useful.
Good luck!
3. If You Feel Like Your Professional Life Could Be Going Better, but Aren't Sure How to Get There.
Insight from Matt Tucker
If you're frustrated you're living a professional version of the movie Groundhog Day, you're in luck!
Tomorrow my friend and colleague Kevin Kermes is going to lead a Webcast for High Achievers who want to Increase their Compensation and Satisfaction by Designing a Professional Life they Love.
I'll be there to share my experience of this journey.
Today at Noon ET.
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That's it for this week.
— Your Friends at the M+M Team.
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